привет How are you Amigos
not bad, but it`s very early for me need half an hour a bit.
Hello how are you My friend
well perfect, bought and salted fish? got perfect result, tomorrow will go to parents for getting some my things and cared about son`s trees, such as he is in the carati competition in Rostov.
I'm glad to hear that. Always be good, be positive, always smile no matter what, never give up on yourself. Allah is great and will help you as long as you don't lose hope.
thank you very much? I am happy such as my son Sasha won 2 third places by karate in Eurasian Competition in Rostov
I'm glad for this, good luck to you
good morning, thank you he tried
Thanks too
Сегодня неплохо, бывает и хуже.
Лучше всех и никто не завидует
Ты из Украины?
нет, я фанат Украины
Мои друзья из твоей страны тоже фанаты и сочувствуют

Да так, брат, ... как-то.
приемлемо Амигу!
Привет! I'm fine!
Айм файн
I am ok)and you?)
always be good What are you doing
I am working )
Where do you live?

Hola! Que esta?
soya humano

bueno... mi gusto
удачи тебе

взаимно камарад))
Спасибо, да благословит вас Бог
The best....


I'm well.