Некто Из ...

Когда мы смело продвигаемся вперед сквозь тьму человеческого неведения, твердо удерживая знамя духовной свободы, возможно, мы сможем открыть, что истину можно понимать как приглашение стать живыми алтарями всех религиозных верований, говорящими каждый на своем языке, но надежно хранящими единственный секрет, что только божественная истина, которой нельзя дать определение, приносит внутренний мир, счастье, духовность.
As we march courageously onward through the darkness of human ignorance, steadfastly displaying the banner of spiritual liberty, we may perhaps discover that truth could be interpreted as an invitation to become as living altars of all religious beliefs, communicating in each ones language, while safely holding on to the only secret that there is to inner peace, to happiness, to spirituality: the supremacy of truth, which cannot be defined.
Hidayat Inayat-Khan/// Правильный перевод?


Remember my friends that if you studied Sufism and all the problems of metaphysics and philosophy for twenty years, and if that spirit of brotherhood were not developed in you, no progress has been made. Or if you meditated for thirty years in solitude, and if you communicated with God, and yet if the spirit of brotherhood had not developed in you, no progress is made.